Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

About us

In collaboration with companies in Agder, we work to ensure that new international employees and their families have a safe and efficient transition to life in Norway.

Relocation Agder was established in 2018, and is a support service for Norwegian companies recruiting expertise from abroad. After a partner company has secured an international talent, Relocation Agder takes over. We help bridge the gap between a signed contract and the first day on the job with services such as the following, and more.  

Immigration tasks

We assist with applications for residence permits to the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI), registration with the police, and obtaining a social security number and tax card from the Norwegian Tax Administration.

Practical assistance

We help find the first home, a suitable school or kindergarten for the children and provide guidance to the partner in the job search.

Social introduction

Among other things, we offer a pre-visit, a practical welcome meeting and social gatherings for internationals from fall to spring, called "Secrets of Agder". 

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