Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ Privacy policy

This privacy statement explains how we collect and use personal data. If anything is unclear, please contact us.

1. How we process data

1.1. Google Analytics
Visitor statistics on the website are collected via third-party cookies from Google Analytics. Google records your IP address to link activities together in one session, making it easier to understand usage patterns. The IP address is anonymized, so we are not able to link the activities to a specific person. We use these statistics to provide more interesting content on the website and to continuously improve. We cannot trace the data to individuals. Read more about cookies at the bottom of this page.

Procedure for deletion of data: Retained user and event data is deleted after 26 months.

2. Who has access to the data?

Only webmasters in Business Region Kristiansand have access to statistical data and personal information. We never sell the information to third parties.

Subcontractors (programmer/web designer) who are given access to website and statistical data are bound to follow our privacy policy through a mutual data processing agreement. The subcontractors do not process personal data, but have access to it for technical/design assistance.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Business Region Kristiansand
Rådhusgata 12
4611 Kristiansand
Tel: 971 71 885

Contact person:
Tina Abrahamsen
Send e-mail

Cookies (information capsules)

In order for our website to function optimally, we use cookies to analyze general user patterns. This information is completely anonymized and is used for statistics and analysis of the website, as well as advertising.

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device when you visit our website. They record the IP address and how long visitors stay on the site, what they click on and which device they use, and give us an overview of how many visitors the site has. If you do not want cookies to be stored, you can follow the instructions here to turn them off in your browser:

Overview of the cookies we use on our website:

Enables Google Analytics to track the website. The cookie is removed after 10 minutes.

Enables Google Analytics to distinguish between different users. The cookie is removed after 24 hours.

Enables Google Analytics to distinguish between different users. The cookie is removed after 26 months.

Visitor ID data is used to identify the data during the user's last activity on the website. Removed after 1 year.

Visitor ID data used to track the last five pages visited on the website. Removed after the session is finished.

Visitor ID data used to verify that the submission from the website is genuine and protected against hacking. Removed after 1 hour.

Records when you last visited the website. This is only relevant for logged in users on the site. Removed after 1 year.