Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ ReConcile - energy efficient municipal buildings

As representatives of Region Kristiansand, Kristiansand and Birkenes municipalities are participating in the Interreg project Reconcile; reducing energy use in the construction and operation of public buildings. 

The aim of the project is to share experience and learning related to reducing energy use in public buildings. The project was initiated by the Universities of Lund and Aarhus. They wanted to cooperate with municipalities in the Øresund region (Norway, Sweden and Denmark). Kristiansand municipality and Birkenes municipality have current projects focusing on wooden buildings and energy efficiency. Participation in an Interreg project is interesting, in order to learn more from municipalities and professional communities working on similar issues. 

The project focuses on two main themes: 

  • How can we reduce energy use in public buildings, both in terms of operational and embodied energy, and how can we avoid sub-optimization? 
  • How can policies be designed and knowledge shared between stakeholders so that the reduction brings real benefits to society?  

Kristian Råmundal and Arild Tveide are participating in the project from Business Region Kristiansand.