Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ Food for thought

The project Business foresight Agder towards 2030 ran from January to September 2018, and aimed to provide a sound knowledge and decision-making basis for the further development of Agder. 

The project Business foresight Agder towards 2030 was initiated by Kristiansand municipality, in collaboration with Sørlandets Kompetansefond, Næringsforeningen i Kristiansandsregionen and Sørlandsparken Næringsforening AS, Listerrådet, Lindesnesregionen, Setesdal regional council and Kommunesamarbeidet Østre Agder. The consultancy firm inFuture was engaged as external advisor and project manager.

- The aim of the foresight study is to provide a good and relevant knowledge and decision-making basis for the further development of Agder as a forward-looking, innovative and sustainable region. At the same time, we want to help the municipalities in Agder to become better facilitators for a future-oriented, adaptable and profitable business community, says project owner Haugum, head of Business Region Kristiansand.

The steering group for the project consisted of:

Ragnar Evensen, Kristiansand municipality
Peter Klemsdal, Sørlandets Kompetansefond
Anita S. Dietrichson, Chamber of Commerce in the Kristiansand region
Erik Rostoft, Sørlandsparken Business Association AS
Svein Vangen, Lister Council
Øyvin Moltumyr, Lindesnes Region
Runar Granheim, Setesdal Regional Council
Bård V. Birkedal, Østre Agder Regional Council
Kenneth Andresen, observer Vest-Agder County Council/Aust-Agder County Council
Eli Skaranger, observer University of Agder

In addition, Kåre Andersen (Arendal Municipality) and Morten Haakstad (Arendal Business Association) have been invited to the steering group meetings. Business Region Kristiansand is the project owner, with Geir Askvik Haugum as project manager and Valborg Langevei as project coordinator. inFuture has been engaged as external advisor and project manager, by Camilla AC Tepfers, Nikolai Stefanovic and Trygve Lie in inFuture, respectively.

Contact us:

Project manager and head of Business Region Kristiansand,
Geir Askvik Haugum, mobile 971 71 885