Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ GenY City

GenY City is an international project that is part of URBACT III. URBACT III is a program for the exchange of experience and mutual learning between cities and aims to contribute to sustainable urban development in Europe.

The GenY City project has focused on how to attract, develop and retain Generation Y in cities. The project is led by Poznan (Poland) and with project partners from Bologna (Italy), Genoa (Italy), Sabadell (Spain), Granada (Spain), Coimbra (Portugal), Nantes (France), Wolverhampton (UK), Klaipeda (Lithuania), Daugavpils (Latvia) and Torun (Poland).

Through GenY City, project partners have shared experiences on how cities can attract, develop and retain young people in cities. The different cities have focused on different challenges, ranging from facilitating creative industries, entrepreneurship, identity and digital skills. Kristiansand, together with other partners, has focused on digital and technological skills that are important knowledge for business now and in the future.

The methodology used in the project is to explore the current challenges together with the actors in the city, and then find good measures to improve the situation. Systematicus, Beta, Open Soursc, Lær Kidsa Koding, Sørlanet, Biblioteket, UiA, Girl Geek Dinner and Aftenskolen have been involved in the local work in Kristiansand. In addition, Egde Consulting and Norkart have been important contributors to put measures into operation.