Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ The future of offshore wind

The government has announced a major investment in offshore wind power. This provides exciting new opportunities for the supplier industry in Agder. Kristiansand municipality highlights Kongsgård harbor as a suitable location for an offshore wind base station. 

Private and public actors in Southern Norway are united behind the collaborative project "Offshore Wind of the Future", which aims to gather and highlight the region's joint investment in offshore wind power. So far, two concession areas have been laid out in Norwegian waters, Southern North Sea 2 and Utsira North. The market is enormous, and can provide great opportunities for companies in Kristiansand and the rest of Agder, both in terms of fixed and floating offshore wind power. Further west in Agder, there are large industrial areas close to the sea that could be suitable for storing and assembling wind turbines and large structures. There will also be a need for base stations close to the sea for administration, operation, maintenance and emergency preparedness. Here, a central location in Kristiansand, with a short distance to competence environments and infrastructure, can be an advantage. Kristiansand municipality and local companies have already presented Konsgård harbor as an attractive location for a base station to several potential developers. A separate website has also been created that presents the possibilities in Kongsgård Harbor.