Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ Biogass Agder

3B at Birkeland is looking for new sustainable solutions in the use of energy. Today, 3B uses natural gas. 3B wants to replace that gas with clean gas. In this respect, biogas is a highly relevant alternative.

Some meetings on biogas have been held. The next step could be to initiate a pre-project. This would include consideration of establishing a biogas plant on the neighboring site of 3B. To produce biogas, raw materials are needed in the form of animal manure and household waste. It must be determined whether there is enough available raw material and the economics of the project.


  • 3B v/Paul C. Jensen
  • Skagerak Naturgass v/Jan Åge Kverndalen
  • YX station in Lillesand v/Asbjørn Olsen
  • Lillesand Vekst v/Trond Are Gjone