Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ U40 - management

The Chamber of Commerce in the Kristiansand region and Business Region Kristiansand would like to invite you to a new networking evening for young leaders and young people with ambitions in the business community in the region.

On September 12, you will have the opportunity to get new input and make new acquaintances in the Business Association's premises at 1700-1900.
This afternoon the theme is leadership, and we will hear about different perspectives on leadership, both self-management, personnel management and we will gain insight into important labor law issues that can be good both in leadership and in your own working relationship.

Tonight's speakers

Bernt Jørgen Stray, Director of Human Resources and Organization at UiA.
Bernt Jørgen Stray is Director of Human Resources and Organization at UiA. He is a trained lawyer and has worked as a lawyer in NHO Mat og Drikke, Norsk Industri and has provided legal assistance, among other things, in labor law to companies throughout the country. Several of the region's companies have benefited from his expertise, and in recent years he has been involved in what is happening through the University and as a board member of the Business Association.

He will share some of his experiences from working on employment issues and being the Director of Human Resources and Organization at one of the largest institutions in the region.

Vibeke H. Ruud, HR manager Strai kitchen.
Vibeke has worked as a manager for most of her working life, and has worked for several well-known and strong brands such as Flytoget, Dyreparken, Tusenfryd and SiA. In her job as HR manager at Strai Kjøkken, she currently has overall responsibility for the company's HR strategy, both at the factory and all stores. She has also always been involved in various positions, board positions and sits, among other things, as head of the steering group for Women in Business. Vibeke will share her experiences and best tips with us, and hopes you will leave with an increased awareness of your own leadership role, new thoughts and motivation to continue working on your own development in the leadership role.

"What is required of the leaders of the future?"

Leaders of the future will face new demands than in the past. As a manager, you must be able to adapt more quickly to new situations, different teams and different types of people. Too many companies today live according to established routines and base everyday life on "this is how we have always done it. That doesn't work if you want to keep up with the times. We are facing an evolution, and it is becoming more complex and turbulent - we are moving into new and unknown terrain. Where many people used to walk on well-trodden paths, the road has to be made as you go, and sometimes you have to go down a steep hill.

Kristin Klæboe is a former participant of the course "Creative Leadership and Coaching" talks about how as a participant of the course she gained a new passion for her profession and learned tools/techniques that she has benefited from as a leader and on a personal level.

In the course "Creative Leadership and Coaching" offered by UiA in collaboration with CoachTeam, you will learn techniques and tools that make you better equipped as a leader. Read more about the course here:

At this U40 gathering, you have a unique opportunity to win a free place on this course! The course has a value of 45 000,- and offers 15 credits.
(Travel to Metochi and course literature must be covered by the winner)