Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ Secrets of Kristiansand

Are you a new employee to Kristiansand?
Are you a foreign worker in Kristiansand?
Are you a Norwegian, but still new in Kristiansand?
Would you like to meet others in the same situation?

If you are from outside our region but currently are living and working in the region of Kristiansand, we'd like to welcome you to Secrets of Kristiansand. The purpose is to arrange meetingpoints every first Monday of the month for talents in the region of Kristiansand.

Welcome to the very first event 6.00 pm. Monday of February 2019 in Teateret.

The Mayor of Kristiansand will attend together with both new and experienced foreigners in our city.

Dinner and drinks by own expence, but we would love to know if you are coming by getting your free ticket