Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ Secrets of Agder - December 2021

After a long break due to the corona virus, it`s finally time for us to reveal some new Secrets of Agder! 

Secrets of Agder is a meet up for new employees and foreign workers in south of Norway. 

Are you a new employee to our region?
Are you a foreign worker in south of Norway?
Would you like to meet others in the same situation?

Then maybe you should concider to come to Teateret, Kristiansand, Monday 6th of December 2021 at 6.00 PM. 

This time two excellent and interesting people will be giving speeches: 

Trond M. Backer is CEO of Chamber of Commerce Kristiansand. He will speak about the history and the current developments of business in southern Norway.

Clare Jortveit is senior adviser in internationalization in the University of Agder. She is British, brought up in USA, but has been living in Norway since 1995. She will share her experience that might be recognizable for new employees in the region.

Free snacks and drinks.

We would love to know if you are coming by getting your free ticket here