Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ E-commerce Network: Digital hit on shipping

Invitation to a digital meeting on shipping on 18/1-22. 

NB: Due to the corona situation, the event will be held digitally.

Time: 18/1-22 at 09:00 - 12:00
Location: Teams. You will receive a link when you sign up here :

Provisional agenda:

  • Welcome v/Børge Jomaas. E-Waves - Network for e-commerce
  • Tips and tricks on shipping v/Solgunn Jacobsen, Pictureit
  • Experiences with different freight suppliers v/Jens Christian Iglebæk, Stormberg
  • Optimized shipping = higher competitive advantage v/Monica Hattrem, Mystore

Anyone working in e-commerce is welcome to attend!

Why are we doing this?

Our goal is to create an attractive meeting place and development arena for those working in e-commerce in Agder. We will facilitate an active network with small, medium and large players. It is important that companies participate actively in the network and share their knowledge and experience. Together we can boost the e-commerce initiative in Agder!