Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ Kick-off: E-commerce

Together with key players in the e-commerce industry, Business Region Kristiansand is initiating a business network for digital commerce. Our first goal is to create an attractive meeting place and development arena for everyone working with e-commerce in Agder. Furthermore, we have a clear ambition to take a national position.

After a cautious start-up year, with limited opportunities for physical gatherings, we now invite you to a joint Kick-off.

Location: Brandsdal group in Kristiansand.
Time: 24.08 at 1600-1930. 

Everyone who works with e-commerce is very welcome to participate!
We will facilitate an active network with small, medium and large players from all over Agder!