Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ Start-up Week: Your company's first hire

On Tuesday, October 29, we invited together with Innoventus Sør, NHO Agder and DNB to an entrepreneurial breakfast with the theme of the company's first employment in connection with Gründeruka. We got good advice from NHO's lawyer and Qualified Professionals and Morgenfugl and Equiconnector shared their experiences.

NHO Agder, Innoventus Sør and Business Region Kristiansand invited to a breakfast meeting during the Start-up Week: The company's first employment: Pitfalls and good advice.

Hiring your first employee is a big step for a small business. At this breakfast meeting, NHO lawyer Arnfinn Jensen shared his advice for companies making their first hire. The choice between permanent and temporary employment was one of the topics covered.

Furthermore, Rolf Michaelsen, from Qualified Solutions, gave advice on how an entrepreneurial company should go about recruiting. What is the right profile? How do I find the profile? Participants also received advice on job interviews, reference checks, drafting employment contracts and probation periods.

Business leader and entrepreneur Trine Omholt of Morgenfugl shared her challenges with a panel of recruitment and hiring experts.