Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ Find your new investors via crowdfunding

Together with Innoventus Sør, Innovation Norway and UiA, we welcome you to an afternoon focusing on crowdfunding. 

Learn about the opportunities crowdfunding can provide!
Crowdfunding can help with pre-sales, bring in new or additional investors or provide new capital in the form of loans.

Crowdfunding platforms PERX and Kredd connect lenders and borrowers through their platforms. Spleis makes it easy to raise money to make big things happen! Around and Sparkup give you the opportunity to invest both small and large amounts in unlisted shares. In this way, they help Norwegian entrepreneurial companies, startups and growth companies raise growth and investment capital. Wondering how entrepreneurial companies and other SMEs can borrow money directly from private lenders? FundingPartner and Monner, through their platforms, enable favorable financing for businesses and good returns for lenders. 

Location: CoWorx
Tuesday, November 13
1630-1830 hours
