Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ Stock exchange and cathedral

In collaboration with Deconform and the Arts Council, we organized the Exchange and Cathedral.

We were treated to great presentations from exciting artists, as well as companies such as PwC and Aquarama telling us how they used art in their business, as well as a visit to the Bordalo II project at Tangen.

The theme was: How can organizations and businesses use art to achieve strategic goals? What kind of collaboration can work for both artists and businesses? How can values and strategies become visible in art? What can artists, businesses and urban planners teach each other?

The program was:

12:00: Visit to the production of Bordalo II. NB: at Tangen 11
13:00: Introduction and welcome by Business Region Kristiansand and Deconform
13:20: Erik Pirolt on the artist's strategies
14:00: PwC and Aquarama on their experiences with strategic use of art
14:30: Olly Walker on his contributions to artistic strategies
15:10: Angjerd Munksgaard on the municipality's new strategy for art in public spaces
15:30: Mingling