Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ Business networks - E-commerce

We hope that small and large businesses, from all over Agder, with an interest in e-commerce will join us at this important meeting! 

Together with key players in the industry, Business Region Kristiansand wants to facilitate a business network for companies in e-commerce/digital commerce. How can we best learn from each other and create a good framework for further development and growth in the e-commerce industry in Agder?

Targeted cooperation can make Agder a national center of gravity for digital commerce!

Some companies have contributed to initial working meetings. More are now being invited to a joint start-up meeting. We want to reach out to large and small players throughout Agder who see digital commerce as an important part of their business. Together we can create the next business cluster in Agder!


  • Welcome/introduction
  • Cooperation opportunities at Varodd
  • Digital Commerce Business Network - presentation of status/plans and opportunity for input
  • Break
  • Digital competence in Agder - UiA and Noroff
  • New opportunities with Amazon - Stormberg
  • The way forward
  • Guided tour (for those who wish)

Take the opportunity to be part of a new and forward-looking collaboration from the start!

Limited number of places, sign up before 18.08.20.