Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ Grant scheme for businesses - corona pandemic 2021

Grants are now available for projects and measures aimed at businesses and strengthening the region's competitiveness.  

To apply, the company must be registered with a business address in, or have business activities in Kristiansand. Grants are mainly given to measures that are carried out in cooperation between several actors. Grants are not awarded for costs related to investments and other operating costs in ordinary operations.  

The grant scheme has a budget of NOK 4.1 million. Of this, NOK 1.8 million is reserved for electrification. 

The funds are part of Kristiansand municipality's package of measures adopted in 2020, as a result of the corona pandemic. NOK 17 million was set aside for grants for projects that can help create and preserve jobs and facilitate sustainable business development in the demanding times the business community is facing. 

The deadline for applications is April 29, 2021. The application form must be completed and submitted on
The grant scheme is called "Kristiansand kommune - tilskudd til næringslivet - koronapandemien 2021".  

Guidelines for the scheme 

1. Purpose of grants
Grants are intended to help create and preserve jobs, contribute to restructuring and facilitate sustainable business development. Grants may be applied for to strengthen the development of projects and measures aimed at business and industry, or to strengthen the region's attractiveness and competitiveness. The activities should preferably be carried out in cooperation with several stakeholders. Examples of focus areas that can be considered within the grant scheme are innovation, development of business and cooperation models within or across industries, increased competence and attractiveness, and activity measures in city and district centers to increase trade and turnover.  

2. What can be supported
Activities should preferably be carried out in cooperation with several actors.   

  • Grants can be applied for to strengthen the development of projects and measures aimed at business and industry, or to strengthen the competitiveness of the Kristiansand region. 
  • Grants can be sought for activities/projects/measures that lead to increased value creation in the region.    
  • Grants can be sought for activities/projects/measures that strengthen and position the region.   
  • Grants can be applied for activities/projects/measures that are based on cooperation and will be positive for several businesses.  

Grants can be sought for projects in all areas that meet the conditions for the action funds. The examples described below are therefore not limiting, but areas that the municipality wishes to highlight in particular. 

Activity in city centers and commercial areas
Projects that can contribute to increased activity and a responsible reopening of city centers and commercial areas can apply for grants. Many businesses have had to close temporarily or have experienced a large drop in turnover due to the corona pandemic. Kvadraturen, Sørlandssenteret and various district centers have been hit hard. The municipality wants to challenge the district centers and trade associations to cooperate and coordinate activities to help get the public back to safe and good shopping.   

The travel and adventure industry
Projects that contribute to increased value creation in the travel and adventure industry can apply for grants. Kristiansand has a large experience-based tourism industry and natural conditions that make it a popular destination. For Kristiansand Municipality, it is important to increase the city's attractiveness as a travel destination in a demanding time. Projects that can strengthen and position the region in cooperation with the city's and the region's stakeholders will be able to apply for grants. It is important that the activities contribute to marketing Kristiansand as a whole rather than individual businesses.   

Entrepreneurship activity
Projects that contribute to building and raising the profile of entrepreneurship culture, stimulating more and more successful business start-ups.   

Sustainable business community
Projects that contribute to Kristiansand developing and further developing a sustainable business sector can apply for funding. Sustainable development means taking care of the needs of people living today, without destroying the ability of future generations to meet their needs. The SDGs are based on three dimensions: environmental, social and economic, and these three dimensions interact and need to be addressed to achieve sustainable business. A sustainable business sector is competitive and contributes to the creation of value in the local community that maintains a good level of welfare and services over time.   

Electrification - Electric Region Agder
Projects that contribute to electrification, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create increased activity and employment in the business community can apply for grants. Up to NOK 1.8 million of the grant package has been set aside for this area. It is possible to apply for part or all of the amount. Agder must cut 45 percent of its CO2 emissions to meet the targets in the Paris Agreement. Half of Norway's electricity surplus comes from renewable hydropower from Agder. This provides opportunities to transition society to more environmentally friendly solutions using renewable energy. Electric Region Agder's vision is to create the world's first all-electric society based on clean energy by 2030.   

3. What cannot be subsidized  

  • Actions that fall outside the scope of the call for proposals or actions that clearly do not meet the objectives. 
  • Costs related to investments and other operating costs in the ordinary course of business.  
  • Measures already implemented.  
  • Measures where the amount of the application exceeds the de minimis threshold of the State aid rules, EUR 200 000 within a period of 3 years.  
  • The grant scheme does not give any entitlement to a grant and no applicant will be entitled to a grant. 

4. Who can receive grants
Enterprises and organizations registered in, with business address in, or business activities in Kristiansand. Exceptions can be considered for companies and organizations that have projects that are obviously positive for the business community in the municipality.  

5. Amount of the grant
The maximum grant amount is kr.400 000. This limit may be waived for projects related to electrification. As a general rule, the total grant from the Industrial Fund shall not exceed 50 percent of the project's capital requirements/documented expenses, and it shall never exceed 75 percent.   

6. Application deadline and announcement
The application deadline is April 29, 2021. The grant scheme is announced on, the municipality's website and The application form must be completed and submitted on The grant scheme is called "Kristiansand kommune - tilskudd til næringslivet - koronapandemien 2021". 

7. Requirements for the application  

  • The responsible applicant must be a person who has the legal role to commit the applicant/company.  
  • Companies cannot receive aid that exceeds the de minimis threshold of EUR 200 000 within a period of 3 years. It is therefore important to document previously received public support in the application, and what type of support it is.   
  • The application must include a project description.  
  • The application must include a budget and financial plan. Own contribution in the form of hours can normally be approved as part of the funding. The approved hourly rate is up to 1.2 per thousand of the agreed and actual annual salary (basic salary), but limited to NOK 450 per hour. 450 per hour. 
  • The application must include a progress plan and a list of key project staff.  
  • The application requires the organization number, description of the project, objectives of the project, partners, key persons, budget and funding, and whether other public funding has been received.   
  • The application must be submitted digitally on  

8. Assessment and processing
Applications will be assessed in relation to the above-mentioned objectives of the grant and the expected implementation capacity. Feedback will be provided as soon as a decision has been made, after the application deadline of April 29, 2021. 

9. Payment of grants
Grants are generally paid after the measure has been implemented and reported on, but a request may be made, with justification, for payment of up to 50 percent at the start of the project, if this is essential for implementation. 

10. Requirements for the beneficiary of the grant   

  • Grants are awarded on condition that the measure is carried out in accordance with the application. In the event of significant changes, the case officer in the municipality must be contacted immediately.   
  • If the grant is not used in accordance with the conditions, the municipality can demand that all or part of the grant be repaid.   
  • Documentation of the implementation and accounts showing the use of the grant must be submitted to Business Region Kristiansand within two months after the measure has been implemented. Upon request, the applicant must provide auditor approval of all costs. 
  • The support from Kristiansand Municipality, Business Region Kristiansand will be made visible in information and in publicity about the project.   

11. Appeals
The municipality's decision on a grant may be appealed by a party or other party with a legal interest in the case to the municipality's internal appeals board, cf. section 28, second paragraph, of the Public Administration Act. The deadline for appeal is 3 (three) weeks from notification of the decision. The complaint must be sent The complaint must refer to the decision being appealed against and the change(s) requested. The appeal should be substantiated and other information relevant to the case should be mentioned. Any questions regarding the appeal can be addressed to the case officer.   

With certain exceptions, the parties are entitled to see the documents in the case, cf. Sections 18 and 19 of the Public Administration Act. 

Questions about the scheme can be directed to Business Region Kristiansand: 

  • Stein Otto G. Daatland, tel. 997 11 819  
  • Ole Jacob Rynning-Tønnesen, tel. 988 49 400  
  • Tina Abrahamsen, tel. 909 54 304 
  • Rune Klausen, tel. 900 61 880  
  • Kristian Råmunddal, tel. 476 10 163  
  • Geir A. Haugum, tel. 971 71 885