Business Region

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4611 Kristiansand

Strengthening the team with two student consultants

Project Student Wellbeing is taking an important step forward by hiring its first student consultants. The initiative underlines the project's dedication to promoting the student perspective in all its work.

"Those of us who work for students are also dependent on working together with students. It's important for us to show how this can be done with students as partners with equal roles. We do this through participation in the project, in interaction with student representatives and now with these appointments," says Project Manager Olea Magdalene Norset.

Project Student Wellbeing welcomed its two new additions, Ingvild Rorge and Nora Grimkelsrud Cowles, in August. They will be working on various tasks related to project development, including content production, organizing workshops with relevant stakeholders and evaluating activities. 

Different expertise, but common commitment

Nora and Ingvild have varied professional backgrounds and complementary insights into students' needs and challenges.

Ingvild completed her bachelor's degree in two years and is now starting a master's degree in Social Planning at the University of Agder. As an active participant in student sports and a former mentor for first-year students, she has valuable knowledge about how to create social and academic security in student environments.

Nora, with a background in political science from UiA and leadership experience from Fadderstyret, has recently worked as a first consultant at the student service center at USN in Kongsberg. At the same time, she has been involved in student volunteering and student democracy through various positions.

They are both newcomers to Agder and bring this perspective to Project Student Wellbeing.

"I applied because I want to help students have the best possible experience during their studies. I studied here for three years, then moved away for a year to work and am now back for further studies. So it's very motivating to actually be able to work with well-being and strengthening the ties between the students and the region," says Nora.

An exciting autumn

The team of student consultants and project manager have made plans for the work ahead. Their joint goal is for Nora and Ingvild to prepare some specific deliverables that the project can use in the future. In addition, they will be introduced to some new areas they want to learn more about.

"For me, it's also about doing my bit to make more students feel at home in Kristiansand and Grimstad, both during and after their studies. It will be exciting to collaborate with Nora, Olea and so many other players on initiatives that can help create an even more engaging environment," Ingvild elaborates.

With a commitment equivalent to a 15% position, the student consultants will have enough flexibility to balance everyday life.

"I'm really looking forward to having Nora and Ingvild on the team. We know that the closer we are to the actual target group, the easier it will be to reach students with our work. At the same time, they themselves are first and foremost students. It's important to take this into account, so we'll be planning a campaign that reflects this," Olea concludes.