Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ Big opportunities: Supplier meeting for the establishment of a biofuel factory in Åmli

Biozin Holding AS is in the process of establishing a full-scale production facility for advanced bio crude oil, biozin at Jordøya in Åmli. The design phase has been initiated and the full-scale plant is planned to come into operation during 2022. The capacity of the plant will be approx. 1,000 tons of biomass per day, and approx. 700,000 m3 of wood demand/year. The total project cost is approx. 3.5 billion NOK.

A supplier day will be organized in Åmli on 14.03 with the aim of getting the business community in Agder as far as possible on the path towards the investor, and positioning themselves for contracts for the establishment of the plant. Relevant for transportation, logistics, construction, contractors and more. Information will be provided on further progress and milestones throughout the detailed design, tender and construction phases of the facility