Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ Business Region Kristiansand in new premises

Business Region Kristiansand, KRS/BIZ, was launched with a "launching" on August 17, 2017 on the full rigger Sørlandet in Arendal. On Tuesday, Mayor Harald Furre made the official opening in the premises at Torvet with 70 guests.

- This is true co-creation, said an enthusiastic Mayor Harald Furre before he cut the ribbon that marked the official opening of the municipality's business department and Business Region Kristiansand. "We got the model, among other things, after a visit to Aalborg Municipality in Denmark, where several of you present here were involved," said Furre.

- By connecting smart minds together, we can lift the Kristiansand region to even new heights. As in all other areas in society, it is about breaking down the old silo thinking and creating something new. Many saw the need to work smarter in order for the business work in Kristiansand municipality to have a clearer, stronger and more visible position. Today it is 14 months since a unanimous City Council approved the establishment of Business Region Kristiansand, as a partnership for business development and growth in the Kristiansand region. Now we are in place and there is already full activity here, said a satisfied mayor.

- Business Region Kristiansand is now working to invite business, academia and the public sector to collaborate on joint projects for business development and growth in the Kristiansand region. The goal is to further develop a competent, innovative, attractive and international business community and contribute to a clearer, stronger and more visible position for the business work, Furre said.

- New Kristiansand will be Norway's best municipality that residents, employees, elected officials and businesses are proud to work, live and work in. If we are to succeed, we must work together, and with you on the team, I am convinced that we will succeed, said Furre, referring to the guests, who consisted of business people, from academia, culture, organizations, state, county and municipalities.

Vidar Udjus, political editor of Fædrelandsvennen, chaired a panel discussion on business and opportunities for entrepreneurs in Agder. He asked questions about risk investors, financing opportunities for entrepreneurs and future prospects in the oil industry. The University of Agder was challenged on how it facilitates working life and the development of new jobs.

- We have everything, just on a smaller scale, was the summary of the situation in Agder for business and growth, with a call for visibility and modesty in relation to positioning nationally and internationally, Udjus said.

- Arild Tveide from Birkenes is based at Torvet in Kristiansand, and is an important person for us to make the business community in Birkenes visible, and contribute with our expertise in the development and growth of the Kristiansand region, said Christiansen, before presenting a gift of art, computer graphics by Svenn A. Hansen, to hang on the wall in the currently white walls of the premises.

- Head of Business Region Kristiansand, Geir Askvik Haugum, was happy and proud, and led the opening event for 70 invited guests, and there was not enough room for many more on the top floor of Torvet on a warm summer evening.

Councilor Ragnar Evensen summarized the event, saying, among other things, that now we will not go to Houston, but Houston will come to us.