Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ Lauknes hired as business advisor

Morten Lauknes has been employed as a business advisor in Business Region Kristiansand. He brings with him extensive experience from a number of industries and is already in full swing in his new role.   

- We are very pleased to have Morten Lauknes on the team. He will mainly work with business development projects, with a particular emphasis on international projects, offshore wind and hydrogen, says Geir Askvik Haugum, Business Manager in Kristiansand Municipality. He adds that Lauknes has already managed to contribute well to existing projects, and that the rest of the colleagues in Business Region greatly appreciate the extensive expertise he brings to the team.  

Broad experience 

Lauknes holds a Master in Management from BI with a focus on digital transformation and development of strong innovation cultures, service development and implementation of new business models. He is a certified performance coach from UiA and has a bachelor's degree in nursing from 2001.  

- For the last three years, I have worked as project manager for digitalization and eHealth in Kristiansand municipality. This will be a useful experience to take with me into the role for Business Region, says Lauknes. He also has experience from the municipality's integration work where he was project manager from 2016-2018. Morten also brings valuable experience from several years in oil service as a manager in NOV and several years offshore. In addition, he has extensive experience from teaching, HSE work and training of managers in crisis management and emergency preparedness, and several years of experience as a nurse in emergency departments and in psychiatry. 

His track record also includes a victory in 71 degrees north.  

- "It's been a few years now," Lauknes smiles, "but the experience from 71 degrees north has taught me that it's important to stay focused, be motivated and have faith. Then you also achieve good results.