Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ Municipal land use plan: Will your company contribute to the planning process?

Work is currently underway on the new land use part of the municipal plan. Does your company have future plans or needs that we need to know about?

Kristiansand municipality is involved in preparing the first land use plan for the new municipality, the municipal land use plan. The planning work is extensive and a number of considerations must be taken into account. Future area needs are now being secured. For a more detailed presentation of the planning work, see the separate website.

A special expert group has been set up to look specifically at current business areas and other areas zoned for business purposes. The aim is to clarify whether the municipality has sufficient land reserves to ensure growth and development for current businesses, and what needs there are for new areas that can ensure future expansion of existing and new business establishments in the municipality. According to the progress plan, a proposal for an area plan will be available early in the new year, before it is put out for public inspection and final consideration by the city council in the fall of 2022.

To ensure a good participation process with the business community, Business Region Kristiansand (BRKrs), Næringsforeningen i Kristiansandsregionen (NIKR) and Kvadraturen gårdeierforening will arrange participation meetings to convey knowledge, create understanding and trust between the municipality as planning authority and the business community's expectations for the planning work.

There may be conditions that individual companies are concerned about, which it would not be natural to address in such open meetings. Business Region Kristiansand (BRKrs) therefore wishes to make it possible for companies that wish to do so to arrange a separate meeting with BRKrs and professionals working on the area plan, and in this way ensure that the information is made known and considered in the planning work. 

If there is a desire for such a meeting, please contact directly
directly with advisor Tor Sommerseth (mob 90668640,