Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ Municipal compensation scheme, with overview of allocations

Kristiansand municipality has been awarded, and has received NOK 10.34 million from the Ministry of Local Government and Modernization (KMD). 10.34 million from the Ministry of Local Government and Modernization (KMD) for the municipal compensation scheme for local businesses. The purpose of the grant is to put the municipalities in a better position to remedy the situation for local businesses that are particularly hard hit by local or national infection control measures.

The deadline for applications was March 18 at 1200

NOK 9.34 million has been allocated to enterprises in the restaurant and catering industry in Kristiansand. The grant will go to operations to counteract the negative effects of infection control measures that particularly affected the restaurant and catering industry. 

Eligibility criteria
Funding can be applied for by operators in the restaurant and catering sector who meet the criteria. The distribution of funds is based on principles of equal treatment based on objective criteria where the business receiving the support must meet the following criteria in order to receive support: 

1. The business must be registered with one of the following Industry (NACE) codes as of February 25, 2021: 

  • 56.101 Operation of restaurants and cafes 
  • 56.102 Operation of fast food outlets 
  • 56.301 Operation of pubs 
  • 56.309 Other operation of bars 
  • 56.210 Catering activities 

2. The business must have an approved municipal liquor license for the current city council period. 

3. The enterprise must have a business address in Kristiansand municipality. 

4. The establishment must operate year-round.

For companies with many separate departments/sub-units, it is also possible to apply on behalf of the units. In that case, the company must have a business address in Agder, and the sub-unit/department receiving the support must be registered and operated in Kristiansand. 

The responsible applicant must be a person who has the legal role to commit the applicant/company.
Kristiansand municipality is free to request other information and documentation that is considered relevant. 

What cannot be subsidized 

  • Actions that fall outside the framework and guidelines set out in the call for proposals.
  • Publicly owned enterprises.
  • Applications where the applicant has already received grants exceeding the de minimis threshold of EUR 200 000 within a period of 3 years.  

The size of the grant
The award model is, based on the award criteria described above, based on a division into three levels based on turnover figures (operating income) for 2019 reported to Brønnøysundregistrene.  

Estimated sizes of grants: 

  1. Large enterprises with turnover over NOK 20 million, preliminary estimate approx. 170 000,- 
  2. Medium-sized enterprises with turnover between NOK 20 and 5 million Preliminary estimate approx. 140 000,- 
  3. Small enterprises with a turnover below NOK 5 million preliminary estimate approx. 

Enterprises where turnover figures are not reported, as would be the case for personal companies, for example, are placed in the lowest category. The same applies to companies that have started up in 2020 and therefore had no turnover in 2019, and companies where several departments are applying for support. In the case of applications from many departments in one company, a ceiling is set at NOK 600 000 in total support for the company. 600,000 in total support for the company. Any adjustment for the number of employees may be in addition to the proposed ceiling.  

A share of the allocation of DKK. 9.34 million will be distributed to the enterprises according to a key based on the number of man-years in the enterprise. 

The size of the grants may be adjusted.

Payment of grants
The grant funds are paid as soon as the applications have been reviewed after the application deadline, applications have been checked and the applicant has been found eligible and the distribution updated. Grants are awarded as de minimis aid. 

Requirements for the application
The responsible applicant must be a person who has the legal role to commit the applicant/company. Business Region Kristiansand is free to request other information and documentation that is considered relevant in the assessment of the application. Companies cannot receive support that exceeds the state aid regulations' limit for de minimis aid, EUR 200 000 within a period of 3 years. It is therefore important to document previously received public support in the application, and what type of support it is. 

Delivery of application, application deadline March 18 at 1200
The application form can be found at the bottom of this page and on Kristiansand municipality's website (NB expired).
The support scheme is called "Kommunal kompensasjonsordning". Fill in the application in line with the description. 

All applications are assessed according to the criteria for grants. Applications will be processed by the business department in Kristiansand municipality (Business Region Kristiansand). 

Requirements for grant recipients
Requirements for the beneficiary will be set out in the grant award letter: 

  • The applicant must accept the offer and conditions by signing and submitting the acceptance form provided with the commitment. Acceptance must be given within one month of commitment. 
  • By August 1, 2021, the applicant must document relevant operating costs in the company from the date of submission of the application, which at least correspond to the grant received. This may include salaries, rent and lost inventory. New purchases of alcohol, food and other raw materials cannot be used as a basis.
  • Applicants must be able to provide evidence of turnover for 2019 (for those who had turnover in 2019). 

Application deadline and announcement
The application deadline is March 18, 2021, at 12.00.
The grant scheme is announced on and on, and is promoted through social channels. 

The municipality's decision on a grant may be appealed by a party or other person with a legal interest in the case to the municipality's internal appeals board, cf. section 28, second paragraph, of the Public Administration Act. The deadline for appeal is 3 (three) weeks from notification of the decision. The complaint must be sent appeal must refer to the decision being appealed against and the change(s) requested. The appeal should be substantiated and other information relevant to the case should be mentioned. Any questions regarding the appeal can be directed to the case officer. 

With certain exceptions, the parties are entitled to see the documents in the case, cf. sections 18 and 19 of the Public Administration Act. 

Questions about the scheme can be directed to Business Region Kristiansand: 

  • Stein Otto G. Daatland, tel. 997 11 819 
  • Ole Jacob Rynning-Tønnesen, tel. 988 49 400 
  • Tina Abrahamsen, tel. 909 54 304 
  • Kristian Råmunddal; tel. 476 10 163 
  • Geir A. Haugum: tel. 971 71 885 

Application management

A total of 88 applications were received by the deadline. All have been processed and 62 are eligible for funding and will be awarded. 

These have received grants: