Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ China visit to Kristiansand!

The Chamber of Commerce in the Kristiansand region and Business Region Kristiansand invited to a meeting with local businesses, where the head of the delegation, Jason Bo, presented ambitious plans for the establishment of a Norwegian-Chinese innovation center in Qingdao. The Chinese visit ended at CoWorx with an introduction of the start-up environment in Kristiansand - here they also had time to taste local beer from Nøgne Ø. 

Several of our local companies made valuable contacts that may prove useful for future ventures in the Chinese market - and the Chinese side was enthusiastic about what they saw in the region, as Jason Bo put it: 

"We have a huge market in Qingdao and you have world class innovation - we have great opportunities together!"

Mayor Harald Furre underlined the ambitions of China cooperation: 

"We want to stimulate companies in Kristiansand and in Southern Norway to see opportunities in the Chinese market, so that more jobs can be created at home".