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Joint banner welcomes students in Kristiansand and Grimstad

For the first time, it is visually marked in the study cities of Kristiansand and Grimstad that we are united in welcoming students at the start of their studies.

This year, Thomas Fiskå (UiA) and Lisa Mari Bynes (SiA) have collaborated to design a joint banner that will adorn the cities during the start of the academic year. Something that visually expresses how the institutions stand together for knowledge, well-being and community.

The purpose of a common banner is to make it clear to students that they belong to the city. So that the students can feel that "this is mine", it has been important that all the institutions are visible on the banners. The banner symbolizes a joint effort to give students a warm welcome and strengthen the sense of community across the educational institutions. "We need to be together in terms of knowledge and interaction at UiA, and if we're going to do that, we need to work together," says Fiskå.  

- "It's important to us that everyone feels included, and that the start of studies is for everyone. We wanted to find something that wasn't too much of one actor or another, so that it would be equal and diverse," says Thomas Fiskå from the University of Agder. 

Lisa Mari Bynes from SiA also emphasizes the importance of this visibility. - "We wanted to create something that all students can relate to, regardless of where they study. We wanted the students to have a sense of belonging, and a feeling that here I can go and this is for me."  

Studenttrivsel has played a key role in making this possible. Through close coordination with all campuses, city life, municipalities, county councils and SiA, the project has ensured that the banner became a visible sign of the unity that embraces students from day one. 

The way forward involves building on the collaboration that has been established. The experiences from this year's start of studies will form the basis for future projects that can further strengthen the sense of belonging and well-being among students. Bynes mentions that there are already plans to further develop banners and other visual elements to further highlight the bond between the educational institutions, the cities and the students. 

Written by:

Image of Joint banner welcomes students in Kristiansand and Grimstad

Nora Cowles

Student consultant
Email address

Image of Joint banner welcomes students in Kristiansand and Grimstad

Ingvild Rorge

Student consultant
Email address