Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ A leading European region for sustainable innovation

There are major opportunities in Agder for new growth in areas such as aquaculture, mineral extraction, renewable energy, tourism and health, concludes the final report from Business Foresight Agder 2030.

Leading European region for sustainable innovation

- The business community in Agder is facing major changes between now and 2030. Weaker public finances, robotization and competition from global players are putting pressure on jobs in the region. International e-commerce is threatening to kill off shops and shopping centers. At the same time, there are major opportunities in Agder for new growth in areas such as aquaculture, mineral extraction, renewable energy, tourism and health, concludes the report from Business Foresight Agder 2030

Natural advantages

Business foresight for Agder 2030 now delivers its final report with recommendations on a vision and four focus areas to retain and develop new jobs in the region.

- The Agder region has a number of strengths and natural advantages that there is a strong consensus to build on. We have a broad business structure, leading industry clusters and test labs, and digitally skilled businesses and users in the region. Based on this, the report recommends that Agder works to take a position as a leading European region for sustainable innovation," says project manager Geir Askvik Haugum, head of Business Region Kristiansand. 

To achieve this ambition, the report suggests that the region should focus on and facilitate renewal and development in the strong existing industries in the supplier industry for the oil, gas and marine sector, the process industry, the power sector, construction, tourism and culture, trade and health. At the same time, efforts must be made to support the development of new industries.

Robotics, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and big data analysis are emerging technologies that will be crucial for Agder's strong industries. Here, UiA and skilled industrial and technology environments have already begun important initiatives.

The report highlights Agder's opportunities in international growth industries related to mineral extraction from the seabed, aquaculture, the bioeconomy, renewable energy, data storage and eHealth. Nationally, Agder can take leading positions in experience-driven tourism, construction, culture and commerce, and become a showcase for sustainable and digital innovation in these industries.

Four priority areas

It is recommended to continue working systematically on four priority areas. The initiatives will help to create a common ecosystem for innovation, develop international partnerships, ensure the supply of new skills and facilitate a smart infrastructure for service development. The report proposes the creation of four sub-projects led from different parts of the region. This is to make efficient use of resources and ensure broad ownership.

100 - 200 participants

The project has carried out a broad process of extensive analysis. Between 100 and 200 participants from all parts of the region have contributed to Business Foresight Agder. A broad-based steering group from across Agder has held a number of meetings and workshops. Trend analyses in the project show threats and opportunities up to 2030, and document the participants' shared views on where strategic preparedness needs to be strengthened.

Roadmap to 2030

The report concludes that a joint effort across Agder is required if this is to succeed, and outlines an overall roadmap for realizing the vision for 2030. To implement this, the project recommends establishing a joint change program for Agder towards 2030. It is also recommended that one actor be given a coordinating role for implementation.


By Ragna Marie Henden, Kristiansand Municipality