Business Region

Visiting address:

City Hall Quarter
Rådhusgata 18 - 2nd floor
4611 Kristiansand

/ Brexit - what will it mean for Norwegian business

Together with Næringsforeningen, Fædrelandsvennen, Civita and SR-BANK, we invited to the breakfast seminar "Brexit - What will it mean for Norwegian business".

The seminar started with a political presentation from Jan Erik Grindheim, political scientist from Civita. Then we got a broader insight into what the Brexit agreement may have consequences for Norway and for Southern Norway, followed by a good presentation from Norgesplaster who shared what they have done to prepare themselves.

07.45 - 08.10: Breakfast and mingling
08.10 - 08.15: Welcome and presentation of programs

Brexit - What will it mean for Norwegian business
08.15 - 08.25: Opposition to the EU, as well as the growth of populist parties on the left and right - Jan Erik Grindheim Political Scientist Civita/First Assistant Professor at USN
08.25 - 08.35: Possible consequences for the Southland region - Kyrre M. Knudsen Chief Economist SR-Bank
08.35 - 08.45: What concrete challenges will Brexit bring to Norway? Where do they stand and where do we stand - Jan Erik Mustad Associate Professor UiA
08.45 - 08.55: What will Brexit mean for Norgesplaster and how have we prepared - Per Turnes CEO Norgesplaster Norgesplaster
09.00 - 09.30: Closing and debate led by Vidar Udjus Political editor. FVN